Who we are
The Sooner Job ChalleNGe Program is an optional next step for graduates of the Thunderbird Challenge Program. At Sooner Job ChalleNGe, Thunderbird graduates will build upon the life and leadership skills they have already begun to develop, while having the opportunity to further their success through career readiness and vocational training at Metro Tech.
Who can apply
Sooner Job ChalleNGe applicants must be:
- A graduate of the Thunderbird Challenge Program
- Ages 16.5-20 years old*
- High school graduate, or on track to earn high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma (GED® or HiSET®) by the end of the program
- Oklahoma resident and a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States
- No felony convictions or pending felony charges**
- Free of illegal drug use
*Graduates of the Thunderbird Challenge Program between the ages of 16.5 and 20 years old. Sixteen-year-old applicants may apply only if they will turn 17 during the program. A 20-year-old applicant may apply only if they will not turn 21 before the cycle start date.
**Applicants must not be under indictment, or ever convicted of a felony (or any crime that would be considered to be a felony if perpetrated by an adult), and must not currently be on parole or probation for other than juvenile status offenses or misdemeanors.