Thunderbird Chapel

Services offered:

Prayer service
Worship services
Spiritual fitness
Faith fellowship

Camp Gruber Chapel Dedication.jpgThe vision for the Thunderbird Chapel at Camp Gruber is centered around the concept of serenity. The building was designed to resemble a historic chapel structure, subtly hearkening to the tradition and significance of spiritual strength within the ranks of our warriors.

Located in a wooded area that provides easy accessibility for Soldiers, Thunderbird Chapel features a sanctuary and facilities to accommodate services for 150-175 soldiers, as well as offices for clergy and counseling and areas to conduct seminars, religious studies and other gatherings that benefit the lives of Soldiers and their families.

“There’s a synergistic response in people when they come together to share in worship, regardless of their traditions. Prayer is the foundation for spiritual fitness.” – Chaplain (Col.) Chet Egert


18684508_BG2.jpgThe life of a soldier is fraught with the realities of life and death close at hand, making spiritual well-being crucial in concert with physical and mental strength to comprise the triad of soldier fitness. Without strength of spirit, our warriors and their families face a grave deficiency in their ability to maximize their training and to endure the rigors of military life.

Spiritual growth and worship in a group setting affords our soldiers the ability to connect with each other through faith, and to participate in a community of believers that provides support, encouragement and healing amidst an extremely demanding environment. The construction of the Thunderbird Chapel at Camp Gruber represents an invaluable long-term gift to these fighting men and women, allowing them a dedicated place of worship and a means of strengthening the faith that guides them.