Oklahoma National Guard Brand and Logo Guide

Your Oklahoma National Guard has a rich history of serving our state and nation, and has used many logos to identify ourselves through the years.

Starting on October 1, 2023, the Oklahoma National Guard has adopted a single logo to represent all branches, offices and departments of the Oklahoma National Guard.

Review the branding guide to learn how to best implement the logo.

We invite all media and community partners who will be using our logo to download this most recent logo as well.
  • OKNG Branding Guide
  • Primary Logo A - Horizontal Positive
  • Primary Logo A - Horizontal Reversed
  • Primary Logo A - Horizontal 1C
  • Primary Logo A - Vertical Positive
  • Primary Logo A - Vertical Reversed
  • Primary Logo A - Vertical 1C
  • Primary Logo B - Horizontal Positive
  • Primary Logo B - Horizontal Reversed
  • Primary Logo B - Horizontal 1C
  • Primary Logo B - Vertical Positive
  • Primary Logo B - Vertical Reversed
  • Primary Logo B - Vertical 1C