WEBVTT 00:03.849 --> 00:06.670 Uh So we're breaking ground on for the 00:06.679 --> 00:08.623 new Oklahoma National Guard Museum 00:08.623 --> 00:12.270 today . Uh The 00:12.279 --> 00:14.869 idea was that we needed a new building 00:14.880 --> 00:17.459 to house uh the museum and the museum's 00:17.469 --> 00:19.691 collection so that we could better tell 00:19.691 --> 00:21.802 the story of the Oklahoma uh National 00:21.802 --> 00:23.969 Guard in a way that would be have more 00:23.969 --> 00:26.139 context , uh help people learn more 00:26.149 --> 00:29.379 about the Guard . So all of the 00:29.389 --> 00:31.940 exhibitions will be brand new . Some of 00:31.950 --> 00:34.459 the storyline uh related to the 45th 00:34.470 --> 00:36.692 Infantry Division carries over from the 00:36.692 --> 00:38.581 current museum . But we will also 00:38.581 --> 00:40.581 expand our story line so that we're 00:40.581 --> 00:42.414 starting with the history of the 00:42.414 --> 00:44.526 Oklahoma National Guard . We also are 00:44.526 --> 00:46.637 expanding beyond telling the story of 00:46.637 --> 00:48.692 war so that we can tell the story of 00:48.692 --> 00:50.803 how the Guard responds to natural and 00:50.803 --> 00:52.914 manmade disasters in the state and in 00:52.914 --> 00:55.310 the country as well . There will be an 00:55.319 --> 00:57.630 entire gallery that's dedicated to the 00:57.639 --> 00:59.583 state Active duty missions for the 00:59.583 --> 01:01.750 National Guard to the Murrah bombing . 01:02.119 --> 01:04.709 And certainly all the tornadoes or 01:04.720 --> 01:06.664 hurricanes and everything that the 01:06.664 --> 01:08.730 Guard responds to what we're really 01:08.739 --> 01:11.330 looking for is to make sure that people 01:11.339 --> 01:13.690 come in and get a sense of what the 01:13.699 --> 01:15.866 army , army and National Guard does in 01:15.866 --> 01:18.029 Oklahoma and what they do . Uh , 01:18.040 --> 01:21.690 internationally . Yes . The new 01:21.699 --> 01:24.529 building will allow us to have , uh , 01:24.540 --> 01:26.860 better storage , more temperature and 01:26.870 --> 01:29.290 humidity controlled storage , larger 01:29.300 --> 01:31.849 storage space so that we have room to 01:31.860 --> 01:33.569 preserve and take care of the 01:33.580 --> 01:35.849 collection for generations to come .